Dinner Topics for Thursday:Defending the Family in a Troubled World
Bruce D. Porter
So vital is the family to the cycle of human life and the renewal of each generation that it is fair to say that if the family breaks down, everything breaks down. If families do not fulfill their divinely appointed purpose of carrying on the light of truth and the torch of civilization to the next generation, then we can throw any amount of money or ideas or programs at our world’s problems, and we will assuredly fail.
Those who honor the calling of
righteous parenthood will find their souls refined, their hearts purified, and
their minds enlightened by the most important lessons of life.Happy, loving families, though imperfect and falling short
of the ideal, are the closest thing we have on earth to a small-scale model of
eternity, a tiny seed of unimaginable glory to come.

In families more than anywhere else children learn the
values, practical life skills, manners, and fundamental truths that enable them
to rise up and be successful in the world. They learn the all-important
attributes of love, unselfishness, sharing, giving, and hard work that someday
will be essential for them to form families of their own and to rear up a new
generation in order that the great wheel of life may roll onward.
So vital is the family to the cycle of human life and the
renewal of each generation that it is fair to say that if the family breaks
down, everything breaks down. If families do not fulfill their divinely
appointed purpose of carrying on the light of truth and the torch of
civilization to the next generation, then we can throw any amount of money or
ideas or programs at our world’s problems, and we will assuredly fail.
Family Is in Crisis
Those who defend the traditional family, who stand for fidelity and chastity
and all that once was considered wholesome and praiseworthy are mocked and ridiculed.
On the other hand, those who see no problem with fatherless homes, who advocate
abortion, who fight all attempts to
limit pornography, and who seek to redefine the very essence of what a family
is, are praised and upheld as champions of tolerance.
no known human society, past or present, have children generally been raised
outside of an intact nuclear family.
The disintegration of
millions of families has taken place in part because popular media and culture
have glorified the pursuit of self: of the wholly autonomous individual
unconnected with social or moral obligations, free to pursue whatever ends he
or she chooses so long as it does not cause direct physical harm to other
aggrandizing selves.
Happiness through Selflessness and
The family by its very nature is an
institution based upon righteous self-denial and sacrifice.
Successful families require that men
and women make substantial and long-term sacrifices of their time, money, and
personal fulfillment in order to dedicate their efforts to rearing the next
. Many today find it irrational to devote so much time and
energy to the welfare
of the next generation, but if this commitment is not deeply rooted in society,
civilization will decline and perish, while children grow up in a moral
wasteland, confused, unguided, and unloved.
His laws and commandments are intended to bless us, to
uplift us, and to bring us joy. They mark the path of safety amidst the storms
and mists of mortal existence.
To some the very idea of a strait and narrow path will seem
intolerant of those who choose different paths. By holding up a divine ideal of
what family ought to be, they claim we are guilty of intolerance toward those
who choose other paths, other standards, other definitions of right and wrong.
But is this really true?
The Shifting Definition of Tolerance
Until recently in
our national history, tolerance referred to racial and religious
non-discrimination. It meant civility in the political arena; in other words,
respecting the right of others to express their views, even if we do not agree
with them. It meant treating all people with decency and respect. Such
tolerance is an important and vital part of our American heritage.
Today, however, the
world is in danger of abandoning all sense of absolute right or wrong, all
morality and virtue, replacing them with an all-encompassing “tolerance” that
no longer means what it once meant. An extreme definition of tolerance is now
widespread that implicitly or explicitly endorses the right of every person to
choose their own morality, even their own “truth,” as though morality and truth
were mere matters of personal preference. This extreme tolerance culminates in
a refusal to recognize any fixed standards or draw moral distinctions of any
kind. Few dare say no to the “almighty self” or suggest that some so-called
“lifestyles” may be destructive, contrary to higher law, or simply wrong.
When tolerance is
so inflated out of all proportions, it means the death of virtue, for the
essence of morality is to draw clear distinctions between right and wrong. All
virtue requires saying no firmly and courageously to all that is morally
Curiously enough,
this new modern tolerance is often a one-way street. Those who practice it
expect everyone to tolerate them in anything they say or do, but show no tolerance
themselves toward those who express differing viewpoints or defend traditional
morality. Indeed, their intolerance is often most barbed toward those of
religious conviction. But let there be no misunderstanding or deception: the
First Amendment right of free speech applies to religious speech as well as to
other kinds of speech. Believers of all faiths have every right to participate
in and share their convictions in the public arena.
God’s love is sometimes described as unconditional. It is
true that God loves all of His children on earth no matter how often or how far
they may stray. But while God’s love is all-encompassing, His blessings are
highly conditional, including the very blessing of being able to feel and
experience His love. The further human beings stray from the path of
righteousness, the less they will be capable of feeling divine love, because it
is conveyed into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. This does not mean that God
loves us less when we stray, only that we, by our choices and actions, have
distanced ourselves from His love. How wondrous, then, is the gift of
repentance, by which we can be brought back into accord with His will and feel
again of His love.
Responsibility to Defend the Family
warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals,
communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern
ought to give our best efforts, in cooperation with like-minded persons and
institutions, to defend the family and raise a voice of warning and of
invitation to the world.
of what the future may hold, God has ordained that in the dispensation of the
fullness of times, the parents of the Church will be given power to help save
their children from the darkness around them.
May we sacrifice and labor to rear a
generation strong enough to resist the siren songs of popular culture, a
generation filled with the Holy Ghost so that they may discern the difference
between good and evil, between legitimate tolerance and moral surrender.
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