Richard and Linda Eyre
"Daring to attempt difficult things that are good. Strength not to follow the crowd, to say no and mean it and influence others to try it. Being true to convictions and flowing good impulses even when they are unpopular or inconvenient. Boldness to be outgoing and friendly."
Eight-year-old Talmadge: "Yeah--it takes real courage to
be a chicken."
Dad: "What do you mean by that?"
Talmadge: "Well, I mean, like if kids are trying to get
you to do something that you don't think is right -- or it's really, really
dangerous, and they're saying you're a chicken, then it takes real courage to
be a chicken and say, 'Yeah, I'm a chicken.'"
Dad: "Now why couldn't I have said it like that?"
We had been talking about courage, and I'd been trying, in my long-winded
way, to explain the difference between true courage or being a leader for the
right, standing up for what you believe, and resisting peer pressure and the
false courage of accepting dares, taking risks, being foolhardy. I had been
trying to communicate the idea that real bravery was an inner thing, closely
related to integrity and being true to yourself, and unrelated to the sort of
outward bravado and macho chance taking that seems to be the message of so much
of our media.
It was there that Talmadge interrupted with, "Yeah, it takes real
courage to be a chicken."
So . . . courage means doing the right thing when it is hard (and even if it
means being called a "chicken").
Children can learn what courage is through stories, games, role-playing, and
discussion, but they can learn to have it only through your example and through
your lavish praise of their example (or even of their attempts).
Teach by your own example -- show courage and point it out. Give your
children a parental model for courage. Tell your children about difficult
things you do -- not in a bragging or boastful way but in a candid way that
lets them know that things are difficult for big people, too. If you had a hard
assignment, tell them about it. If you spoke to someone who had made you feel
uncomfortable, tell them about it. If you said no to some peer pressure, tell
them about it. Think of past things as well as current situations.
Clarify the difference between courage and "loudness," and between
the lack of courage and shyness. This well help your children see that courage
is a quality of character, not personality. If you have one or more
particularly shy children, see that they understand that you are not trying to
teach them to be louder or more assertive. Talk with them about quiet courage
-- the courage to say no to something that is wrong, the courage to say hello
to a child who has no friends. Explain that everyone's heart pounds a little,
that we're all a little scared, but that we can do what is right anyway.
Help your children understand the makeup of courage. The key to teaching
courage to children of all ages is to realize that preparation and faith or
belief (not just "red blood") make up courage. Our children will have
courage if they are properly prepared, whether it is by thinking through
decisions in advance and teaching them how to say no with confidence or by
encouraging them to practice a piano piece for a recital and helping them to
feel confident that they can perform well. Having faith in themselves to be
able to do what they know is right is the key to courage. Children can realize
that faith lies not in believing that something will turn up but in believing
that they can turn something up.
Review the activities and stories that go along with this months value. Make
sure everyone in your family understands the value so they can see how they can
apply it in their own lives and situations.
Talk about the Monthly Value every morning and remind your family to look
for opportunities to use the value throughout the day. They may also observe
how others don't understand the value. Get your children to share their
experience with the value each day at the dinner table or before you go to bed.
Be sure to share your experience each day as well. It will help your children
know that you are thinking about the value too.
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