Saturday, June 30, 2012

America, Respect, and Patriotism

Immature Adults Protest Children Singing God Bless the U.S.A.

Yet these same childish parents could let children be taught to sing chants for Obama in school, treating him as if he were some kind of god, (which has been done) and nary a peep of protest. 

 Bravo for the parents who encouraged patriotism in their children. CD

To be perfectly blunt – these ‘adults’ that protested a kindergarten rally to sing a patriotic song are the reason our country has a failing economy. Apparently they had nothing better to do than to go to a park to yell at 5-year-olds.

You must be kidding me.
Remember a few weeks ago when a New York City principal banned children from singing God Bless the U.S.A. during a ceremony because she deemed the lyrics to be offensive?
Well, in the aftermath, a group of parents organized a protest at a nearby playground in which their kindergartners would sing the patriotic song, and even attracted Rep. Bob Turner (R – N.Y.).
“I thought it would be a great idea,” Rep. Turner said. “The kids were a delight.”
So this seems like a positive thing to do: Organize a peaceful protest away from the school in which children would be waving American flags and singing the song they were banned from singing. It would bring attention to the issue without finger pointing, bickering, and name-calling.

Unfortunately for the children involved (and anyone who has respect for America), several tasteless children adults were “shouting down the kids as they were singing,” Rep. Turner told Fox News Radio.
“You Republicans come go to a Republican area and do that, we don’t do that here,” one of the hecklers said. “This is ridiculous, this is sad. This is so crazy. This is sad.”
A Turner staffer can be heard off camera asking the protesters to stop – and to “let the kids sing.”
“The kids don’t even know what they’re singing,” the unidentified protester replied. “They got something you tell them to say. It’s ridiculous. It’s sad, sad, sad. You all are going to burn in hell. You all burn in hell. Shame on you. Shame on you.”
At one point, a tattooed protester cursed.
“You got a right to make noise, I got a right to make noise,” the protester said.”
If you are not proud to live in your country, what are you proud of?
I am baffled when people are not outwardly proud to live in America. We may bicker at each other, and we have the right to, but this is about respect for the youth of America. These parents organized a peaceful protest away from the school, and a bunch of rude children adults immaturely came down to protest the singing of God Bless the U.S.A.
To be perfectly blunt – these ‘adults’ that protested a kindergarten rally to sing a patriotic song are the reason our country has a failing economy. Apparently they had nothing better to do than to go to a park to yell at 5-year-olds.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Obamacare: Repeal Is up to Congress

Morning Bell: Join the Fight to Repeal Obamacare
Ed Feulner, President, The Heritage Foundation

Many wonderful patriots are out in the trenches, fighting tyranny with all their hearts. Truth is our greatest weapon, and The Heritage Foundation works 24-7, educating American citizens. They are among the groups who have the most influence on Congress. CD

Fellow Americans,
Like you, I am disappointed by the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision. The Court misread and rewrote Obamacare in order to save it. Such contortions are not the proper role of judging. Most Americans are with you and me and deeply dislike this law.

We believe, however, that this is far, far from a time for despair. This decision will energize freedom-loving Americans to once again take matters into their own hands. Our republic has survived and flourished for more than two centuries because men and women—brave, determined, and deeply committed to the cause of freedom—were willing to stand, to march, and to make whatever sacrifices were necessary so that their children would know the blessings of liberty, the hope and opportunity that flow from living in “the land of the Free.”
They will receive this ruling as a clarion call to action. Once again, the people will have to rise to defend a fundamental American concept: that the power of government over individuals must be limited.

First, let’s acknowledge what was good in the decision. The Court recognized that there are limits to what Congress may do under the Commerce Clause. Big-government forces have for too long abused this clause’s grant of congressional authority, but the Court’s decision reaffirms that there are limits on their actions.

There’s also the fact that the individual mandate has acquired the official constitutional status of a “tax”—and if it is indeed a tax, then that is even more reason for the U.S. Senate to repeal it with the 51-vote threshold available under the Budget Act’s reconciliation process. It is a revenue provision. No filibuster problems there now.

Calling it a tax, of course, doesn’t make the heavy-handed policy in Obamacare any better for those who now have to buy a product they don’t like. And yesterday’s opinion makes clear that President Obama enacted a massive new tax on the middle class, breaking one of his repeated promises.

We must resolve to check this dangerous expansion of power.

The first step is to work harder than ever to fully repeal Obamacare. Now that the Supreme Court has had its say, Congress becomes the arena in which we can fight for relief and restoration of constitutional limits.
Congress can and must reassert its constitutional authority. Indeed, the House of Representatives has already acted. We congratulate the lower chamber for having voted to repeal Obamacare.
Now it’s the Senate’s turn to do what’s right: Repeal Obamacare, and force the President to sign its repeal.

The American experiment is predicated on the idea that government exists to serve the people, that it derives its power from the people, and that the people retain all powers they do not specifically grant to government. Obamacare turns that fundamental idea on its head.
Ours is still a government “of the people.” And the American people have spoken clearly. Indeed, the people’s antipathy toward the law keeps growing. Just this month, a poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News found that more than two-thirds of Americans wanted the Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare as a whole or in part. Only 24 percent would keep the law in place. While Court decisions obviously should not be driven by polls, the poll clearly shows the people’s dissatisfaction with the bad policy in Obamacare.

So many aspects of Obamacare are appalling. Once all its provisions kick in—conveniently, after the November election—millions of Americans stand to lose their current coverage. Already, it saddles individuals and families with higher premiums, higher costs, and higher taxes—and even steeper increases loom on the horizon. It has sparked a host of other loathsome mandates, like the HHS mandate that requires charitable religious organizations to provide coverage that violates the tenets of their faith.

But why should we expect government to respect the constitutional right to religious freedom if we allow government to ignore fundamental restraints on its power to regulate the lives of its citizens?

This year will mark a pivotal point in American history. The American people now must make a critical decision: We must choose between constitutional, limited government on the one hand and arbitrary, unlimited rule on the other.

We at The Heritage Foundation, as always, will stand in defense of our nation’s founding principles. We are eager to lead the fight to overturn this Intolerable Act—Obamacare—and we are grateful for your support of our efforts to save the American Dream for the next generation.

Ed Feulner
President, The Heritage Foundation

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Facts About Mitt Romney Bio

 Mitt Romney Bio

Character Matters in Leadership

Mitt Romney:  

Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected. At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or squander my money on vacations. I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the "Spending President" has gotten us into. We didn't know that when Obama said he'd give us change, he meant nickels and dimes, and he would get the big bucks. We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.  
But, on the minus side, He never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot. Never got drunk. Did not associate with communists or terrorists. Nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the US.

After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar, but never worked as an attorney.  

As a venture-capitalist, Romney's first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people. 

Romney or his company Bain Capital (using what became known as the "Bain Way") would go on to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others.  

Got your calculators handy? Let's recap.  
Volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year. 

Unpaid intern in Governor's office 8 years.  

Mormon missionary in Paris 2 years. 

Unpaid bishop and state president for his church 10 years. 

No salary as president of the Olympics 3 years.

No salary as MA governor 4 years. 

That's a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his community and his church. Why? Because that's the kind of man Mitt Romney is!  

And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income....Obama gave 1%
Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%

This is real character vs....well you know what!  

Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected. At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or squander my money on vacations. I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the "Spending President" has gotten us into. We didn't know that when Obama said he'd give us change, he meant nickels and dimes, and he would get the big bucks. We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.  
But, on the minus side, He never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot. Never got drunk. Did not associate with communists or terrorists. Nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the US.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Supreme Court, Immigration, and History Timeline

History Timeline

Dinner Topics for Tuesday: What do Leaders of Tomorrow have in common with Queen Esther of Ancient Times?

What can we learn from these moments on the history timeline? Consider the following three examples, then do an analysis. What would you do?

Old Testament Era

“For Such a Time As This”  Esther, by Elspeth Young.  Copyright 2003.  All Rights Reserved.  Used by Permission of Al Young Studios.
Mordecai, the Jew, refuses to do obeisance to Haman—Haman arranges a decree to kill all the Jews in the kingdom. Mordecai and the Jews mourn and fast because of the king’s decree. Mordecai asks his niece, Queen Esther, to petition the king on behalf of her people, saying, —. . .and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Then Esther bade them [the messengers] return Mordecai this answer,
Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.  (Esther 4:14-16)
Esther, at the peril of her life, went in unto the king.

Esther, as the queen chosen by the King of Persia, found herself in a difficult position—it was necessary for her to oppose one of the king’s decrees, in order to preserve the lives of her people. Her uncle, Mordecai, urged her to petition the king for the protection of her people. She did so, even though it was dangerous, and not popular with the ruling regime. God was with her, and she was able to affect the law so that her people could protect themselves.

The Fall of Rome

The sack of 455, A.D. was the second of three barbarian sacks of Rome; it was executed by the Vandals.

Upon the Vandal arrival, according to the chronicler Prosper of Aquitaine, Pope Leo I requested that Genseric not destroy the ancient city or murder its inhabitants. Genseric agreed and the gates of Rome were thrown open to him and his men. Maximus, who fled rather than fight the Vandal warlord, was killed by a Roman mob outside the city, possibly together with his son Palladius.

It is accepted that Genseric looted great amounts of treasure from the city, and also took Lucinia Eudoxia and her daughters hostage. The sack of 455 is generally seen by historians as being more thorough than the Visagothic sack of 410, because the Vandals plundered Rome for fourteen days whereas the Visigoths spent only three days in the city.

The cause of most controversy, however, is the claim that the sack was relatively “clean”, in that there was little murder and violence, and the Vandals did not burn the buildings of the city. This interpretation seems to stem from Prosper’s claim that Leo managed to persuade Genseric to refrain from violence. However, Victor of Vita records how many shiploads of captives arrived in Africa from Rome, with the purpose of being sold into slavery. Similarly, the Byzantine historian Procopius reports how at least one church was burnt down. (Source: Wikipedia)


Arizona Immigration Law: What would you do?

The United States is faced with insecure borders.  American citizens have been violated, vandalized, and even murdered by immigrants who have not entered the country legally—essentially they have invaded this country. Children have had their identity stolen to create fraudulent papers. Many of these criminals are not being held accountable, as in the following example.

“Political correctness also does its best to affect the collective judgment of the American people when it comes to illegal immigration. There is no question it affects law enforcement agencies. I had one veteran police officer tell me when they stop illegal aliens for some violation, they often just send them on down the road after the same violation for which a lawful citizen would have been ticketed, fined or jailed.

Evidently this attitude also affects the feds in charge of enforcing our immigration laws. Did you see the story out of the state of Washington where an illegal immigrant was arrested after being caught in the act of raping a woman? He had been deported nine times. You read that right, NINE times.” ~ Tim Wildmon, director, the American Family Association.

Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona responds to questions regarding her efforts to secure the borders and protect her people from a growing criminal element among illegal aliens.
“The irony is that President Obama’s Administration has chosen to sue Arizona for helping to enforce federal immigration law, and not sue local governments that have adopted a patchwork of ‘sanctuary’ policies that directly violate federal law.”  ~Governor Jan Brewer

Question: What is the reaction of the majority of the population in Arizona to the federal government’s hostility toward the Arizona immigration law?

Brewer: They’re outraged. And rightfully so. These people are supposed to be protecting us. Not assaulting us.

Question: Your family must not like seeing you go through this.

Brewer: No. and they don’t like to see me under fire, and the nasty things that are said and the horrible things and the comments, and efforts made against me and the manner in which they are made.

Question: Most people probably don’t under stand what it’s like, either as a governor or a private citizen, which you also are—to be targeted by, demonized by, and aimed at by the President of the United States. Have you ever. . .been temped to say, “Forget it—it’s not worth it?”

Brewer: Well, sometimes I get a little bit down. But then I hear from so many people, and the encouragement and their support and their prayers have really taken me through all of this. Certainly it has been rigorous and it’s been difficult—and it has been something I would have never, ever anticipated that I would be in the position of doing. But I’m here, and I’m not going to back down. I’m going to keep going. I’m going to do it for every American. Because it’s the right thing to do. (Source: Limbaugh Letter, August, 2010, p.9)



Would the States conceivably have entered into the Union if the Constitution itself contained the Court's holding? Today's judgment surely fails that test. "'The laws under challenge here do not extend or revise federal immigration restrictions, but merely enforce those restrictions more effectively. If securing its territory in this fashion is not within the power of Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign State.'" ~Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia, regarding Supreme Court ruling on Obama regime’s suit against the state of Arizona

To American Young Adults: Who Knows Whether You Are Come. . .For Such a Time as This?
As college students and young adult Americans, you will be our leaders of tomorrow. You may find yourselves in situations similar to Queen Esther, Governor Brewer, or even the ruling powers of Rome in 455, A.D. Educate yourselves, prepare yourselves. What would you do if you were a leader?