Economics, Gold Standard, and National Character
Dinner Topics for Tuesday
“It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free.” ~ Edumund Burke
Note: As of 2009, "In God We Trust" is still on the new dollar coins, but not on the front. Only on the back. It seems to be a sign of the times--a slippery slope? A reflection of our national character? We ought to keep an eye on the minters. Maybe next time it will be gone altogether. ~ C.D.

there was a time when the standard of currency was measured by gold or sterling
silver. The pound sterling, which is the name of Great Britain’s currency,
comes from its early use of the silver standard. Sterling silver is defined as
having a fixed standard of purity or conforming to the highest standard.
Gold Standard
the nineteenth century, America and Europe experimented back and forth with
gold and silver. Seeking more monetary stability, the United States, along with
many other nations, accepted the gold standard in 1873. Not long afterward,
Silver Certificates were also issued, which could be redeemed in silver dollars
and bullion (bulk metal). In 1933 the US discontinued the gold standard and maintained
Silver Certificates, which continued until the death of President Kennedy in
1963. In 1968 President Nixon ended both
the gold and silver standard.
The gold
standard prevented governments from printing too much paper money, and causing
inflation (over-priced goods and services due to too much money in
circulation). Governments were also limited in flexibility to create monetary
policy and stabilize financial shocks. However, financial shocks are often
caused by the very monetary policies that governments like to create. The free
market, when left free of interference, will correct itself from time to time.
The impact of these corrections can be proportional to the degree of fiscal
responsibility exercised by a nation’s citizens and government. Those nations with
robust economies tend to keep taxes low and minimize interference with the free
most nations use fiat money, which is money that has no intrinsic value, and is
used only as a medium of exchange. Our
only standard has been the confidence of the world that the US will honor its
debts. Our monetary policy is based on our good character—ability to keep
promises—to pay our debts. How are we doing?
a standard of gold or silver, good character without greed is the only thing
that keeps our government from debauching your money by paying debts with
printed money. We presently have many elected officials who are now devoted to restoring
fiscal responsibility to our monetary policy. It will take a long time to undo
the damage of recent years.
protect long term investments against inflation, you may look into savings of
some kind. IRAs and Certificates of Deposit currently yield 3-5 percent, if
your bank is giving you a “good deal.” Banks are now investing more in gold,
which can yield ten times that much. Some financial institutions lend money to
irresponsible people who cannot pay their loans, but reward the frugal with an
insulting three pennies on the dollar of their savings.
individuals use tax money to support immorality; some huge corporations take
tax money that they don’t need. Other multi-million dollar businesses run their
production lines around the clock, every day of the year, endangering the
safety of their employees for lack of sufficient rest. In a past era, the only
businesses which never closed were hospitals and fire departments. Now everyone
stays open all the time. Why? Greed. They lose money if they close one day a
week so their workers can be with their families.
government is a product of the people; its character is representative of the
national character. In the United States, the government is supposed to be
accountable to the people. The people used to be accountable to God.
silver standard is no longer with us. Nevertheless, “In God We Trust” is still
engraved upon our currency. In the modern era, even an age of relativism, the
quest for sterling character still begins at home. The true individual worth
built in the family circle ultimately influences entire nations.
character is not measured in money. At the end of the day, it is not what we
acquire that matters, but what we become.
© 2011 by Christine Davidson
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