Poll: Fix Deficit before More Education Spending
Dinner Topics for Thursday
I'll tell you what else it means. It means that at least the people in this poll fully understand that our problems in education are not money. We're spending plenty. It's who we have teaching kids.
From Rush Limbaugh
RUSH: Another interesting poll, the Washington Times: "What's more important than ensuring that children get a better education? For most Americans this election cycle, it's the federal budget." Do you believe this? As the regime and "Obama continues to assail the Republican presidential ticket for pushing a budget blueprint that could cut education spending," which it doesn't. There isn't a cut anywhere! Not yet. "[P]olling data that emerged Wednesday shows that the vast majority of Americans think getting the US back on solid fiscal footing trumps increasing school funding."
That makes so much sense to me, and it tells me that we're not yet a majority nation of morons. And this is the Tea Party, folks. This is the Tea Party. When you see this poll and this result -- that more Americans want our fiscal problems solved before school funding goes up -- that's the Tea Party. I'll tell you what else it means. It means that at least the people in this poll fully understand that our problems in education are not money. We're spending plenty.
It's who we have teaching kids.
It's what they're being taught. It's the curriculum.
I mean, you've got high school seniors who can't read their diplomas. We have to have job-training centers for people that come out of college! What the hell? Why do we need one job-training center if we got a decent education system? What's the point of education? Among other things, it's to teach people how to work. It's to help focus them and educate them toward a career and citizenship! But, see, it's not for the Democrats. Education's indoctrination.
And after you've indoctrinated them, then you send 'em to the work-training center, because education is not about a career. Education is not about getting a job. Education is where you propagandize. Education -- schools at all levels -- is where you inculcate your ideology. "A survey by Gallup and the Phi Delta Kappa International education association finds that 60% of Americans think it's more important to balance the federal budget than to 'improve the quality of education.'"
Folks, 24 years ago, if this question had been asked of people, it wouldn't have registered.
Balancing the federal budget wouldn't have mattered to anywhere near a majority of the American people.
Change is ongoing and constant.
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