Low trust— Government and Media
News Clips from American Family Association (Christian media)
surveys from two major polling agencies indicate that Americans have a growing
distrust in basic institutions such as government and media.
slim majority (51%) now view the U.S. government as a threat to individual
liberties rather than a protector of those rights, according to a Rasmussen
poll released in June. Only 34% saw the government as a protector of rights,
while 15% were undecided. (See story, "Beware the camel's nose.")
Rasmussen poll released last fall revealed that 20% of likely U.S. voters
thought the government was operating with the consent of the governed, while
63% believed it was not.
poll found that the majority of likely voters felt the federal government had
"lost touch with the people it represents," according to Rasmussen.
to Gallup's most recent annual Confidence in Institutions survey, 21% of
Americans have much confidence in television news. Only 25% have confidence in
news reporting of newspapers. The confidence in television is down seven points
from last year and has continued in a steady decline of viewers who believe
what the mainstream news is saying.
things aren't as large as they seem
all those homosexual characters on television are paying off for the gay

found that more than a third of adults believe that more than 25% of Americans
are homosexual, with another 17% saying they think the percentage of
homosexuals is in the 20-25% range.
www.gallup.com, 5/27/12
Study: Fear of hell lowers crime
There is a relationship between a society's religious
beliefs regarding heaven and hell and how much crime exists, or so says a
psychologist from University of Oregon.
Professor Azim F. Shariff said that his research indicated
that a strong cultural belief in a God who punishes sin results in lower crime
rates, while stressing a forgiving God tends to increase crime.

The study examined attitudes and actions of people in 67
countries over a 26-year period.
www.christianpost.com, 6/20/12
[Global Warming Hoax]
radical Muslim preacher predicted that the new president of Egypt would
construct a new Muslim caliphate - a single Islamic dominion - over the Arab
world with its capital in Jerusalem.
[Global Warming Hoax]
current environmental paradigm assumes that those who don't believe in man-made
climate change are less scientifically savvy, while those who do are
scientifically smarter.
to one study, however, those assumptions just aren't true.
public apathy over climate change is often attributed to a deficit in
comprehension. The public knows too little science, it is claimed, to
understand the evidence or avoid being misled," said a report published in
May in the journal Nature Climate Change. The study added: "We
conducted a study to test this account and found no support for it."
the researchers found just the opposite: Those with the highest degrees of
scientific understanding were less concerned about climate change, while those
who were the most concerned scored slightly lower on tests of scientific
respondents' science literacy scores increased, their concern with climate
change decreased," the paper said.
than scientific literacy, the researchers said it was ideology that was driving
the cultural battle over man-made climate change. Those who believed in
individual interests were less concerned about climate change and its causes,
while those who believed in pushing for social equality were more concerned.
study was funded by the National Science Foundation.
www.nature.com, 5/27/12; www.foxnews.com, 5/28/12
promises Israel's destruction …
Islam still promotes terrorism

a May speech at a soccer stadium in Cairo, Muslim cleric Safwat Higazi told
thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters, "The capital of the caliphate
- the capital of the United States of the Arabs - will be Jerusalem, God
then led the crowd in chanting, "Millions of martyrs march toward
Jerusalem," according to the Jerusalem Post.
claimed this would be accomplished by then-candidate Mohamed Mursi, who
eventually won the Egyptian presidency in a controversial election victory.
Mursi agreed with Higazi's sentiments regarding Israel.
Jerusalem is our goal," Mursi told the crowd. "We shall pray in
Jerusalem, or die as martyrs on its threshold."
has also said that Egypt-s Coptic Christian population must "convert [to
Islam], pay tribute or leave" the country. The statement was made
privately to a journalist but was publicized by the Egyptian news website El
and then the Vatican
Middle East Media Research Institute released a video and translation of an
interview with a prominent Muslim professor in which he predicted the Islamic
re-conquest of Andalusia (Spain) and the subjugation ofz the Vatican, home to
the Catholic Church.
conquest of Andalusia is an old dream, something Muslims proudly hope for and
will continue to hope for in the future," Dr. Subhi Al-Yaziji said in a
May 25 interview on Al-Aqsa TV. He added: "We place our hopes in Allah and
trust that the day will come when our triumph will not be restricted to
Palestine. Our hopes go beyond that - to raise the banner of the caliphate over
the Vatican, the 'Rome' of today, in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet
Muhammad: 'Constantinople shall be conquered, and then Rome.'"
to MEMRI, Al-Yaziji is dean of Koranic studies at Islamic University of Gaza
and former department head at the Ministry of Religious Endowments for Hamas.
www.christianpost.com, 5/31/12; www.jpost.com,
5/8/12; www.memri.org, 6/8/12; www.theblaze.com, 6/12/12
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