Dinner Topics for Friday
Titanic Movie and History of Titanic
Last week, which marked the 100th anniversary of the Titanic, a lot of young people tweeted that they were shocked … with the 100th anniversary. They said,
"Hundredth anniversary? That movie was only out ten years ago."
They didn't even know the Titanic tragedy actually happened. What
are they being taught in schools or at home, if they don't know that the Titanic actually
happened? All they know is the Titanic movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
In 1912, the Titanic was one of the largest, most luxurious
steamships ever built. Follow its incredible story, from a shipyard in Ireland
to the icy Atlantic Ocean, and discover how this ‘unsinkable’ ship met with
such a tragic end.
Help your children learn more about history of the Titanic. Go to
www.epicworldbook.net and
type Titanic in the search bar.
Life Lessons from History of Titanic
by Quentin L. Cook
[It has been] 100 years since the tragic sinking of the
ocean liner. The calamitous circumstances surrounding this horrendous event
have resonated across the entire century since it occurred. The promoters of
the new luxury liner, which was 11 stories high and almost 3 football fields
made excessive and unjustified claims as to the lack of vulnerability of the
to winter waters full of icebergs. This ship was supposedly unsinkable; yet
when it slipped beneath the surface of the icy Atlantic Ocean, over 1,500 souls
lost their mortal lives.
many ways the sinking of the Titanic is a metaphor for life and many
gospel principles. It is a perfect example of the difficulty of looking only
through the lens of this mortal life.
The loss of life was catastrophic in its
consequences but was of an accidental nature. With the carnage of two world
wars and having just passed the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the
World Trade Center towers, we have seen in our own time a window into the shock,
agony, and moral issues surrounding events resulting from the evil exercise of
agency. There are terrible repercussions to
friends, and nations as a result of these tragedies, regardless of the cause.

respect to the
Titanic, lessons were learned about the dangers of pride
and traveling in troubled waters and “that God is no respecter of persons.”
Those involved were from all walks of life. Some were rich and famous, such as
John Jacob Astor; but there were also laborers, immigrants, women, children,
and crew members.
were at least two Latter-day Saint connections to the
Titanic. Both
illustrate our challenge in understanding trials, tribulations, and tragedies
and provide insight as to how we might deal with them. The first is an example
of being appreciative for the blessings we receive and the challenges we avoid.
It involves Alma Sonne, who later served as a General Authority.
He was my stake president when I was born in Logan, Utah. I had my mission
interview with Elder Sonne. In those days all prospective missionaries were
interviewed by a General Authority. He was a great influence in my life.
Alma was a young man, he had a friend named Fred who was less active in the
Church. They had numerous discussions about serving a mission, and eventually
Alma Sonne convinced Fred to prepare and serve. They were both called to the
British Mission. At the conclusion of their missions, Elder Sonne, the mission
secretary, made the travel arrangements for their return to the United States.
He booked passage on the
Titanic for himself, Fred, and four other
missionaries who had also completed their missions.
it came time to travel, for some reason Fred was delayed. Elder Sonne canceled
all six bookings to sail on the new luxury liner on its maiden voyage and
booked passage on a ship that sailed the next day.
The four missionaries, who were excited about traveling on the
expressed their disappointment. Elder Sonne’s answer paraphrased the account of
Joseph and his brothers in Egypt recorded in Genesis: “How can we return to our
families and the lad be not with us?”
He explained to his companions that they all came to England together and they
all should return home together. Elder Sonne subsequently learned of the
sinking and gratefully said to his friend Fred, “You saved my life.” Fred
replied, “No, by getting me on this mission, you saved my life.”
All of the missionaries thanked the Lord for preserving them.
as was the case with Elder Sonne and his missionary associates, great blessings
come to those who are faithful. We should be grateful for all the tender
mercies that come into our lives.
We are unaware of hosts of blessings that we receive from day to day. It is
extremely important that we have a spirit of
gratitude in our hearts.