Obama Administration Courts the Muslim Brotherhood
What do you think? Should this man be trusted with another term as President of the United States?
Heritage Foundation

In addition to turning a blind eye to suspected criminals, the Obama Administration has overlooked the Muslim Brotherhood’s policies and beliefs. The Brotherhood has explicitly stated it will not accept Israel as a state “under any circumstances.” The organization referred to Osama bin Laden with the honorary title “Sheikh” and called him a “shaheed” (martyr) after he was killed. They also have an intricate connection to the terrorist organization Hamas, which regularly attacks Israel.
U.S. relations with Egypt have soured not only due to the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood, but also because of the transitional government’s witch hunt against pro-democracy workers in the country, including members of U.S.-funded nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). But none of this has fazed the Obama Administration; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that America will continue to give Egypt $1.5 billion in annual aid.
According to Heritage’s James Phillips, the Obama Administration’s “see no evil” policy means that the Muslim Brotherhood “can continue to exploit anti-American sentiments whipped up by the state-controlled media with little fear of the consequences.
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