Tuesday, October 2, 2012

President Obama, Libya, Terrorism, and Truth

What is the Truth? Is there a Cover Up? Demand that Congress Investigate.

Sign a petition; Demand the Truth.

Steve Elliot, Grassfire Nation

Is the Obama administration intentionally withholding information about the terror attack in an attempt to cover up the truth about the killing of these four Americans? It's a question that must be asked ... and answered!

It's been more than two-and-a-half weeks since an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya killed four American diplomats, including widely respected ambassador Christopher Stevens. Yet, President Obama STILL has not publicly acknowledged that attack as terrorism.

Even though it has been widely reported that the Obama administration knew within 24 hours that the tragedy which transpired on the eleventh anniversary of September 11 was not a "spontaneous action" to an anti-Islam YouTube video, our "Commander"-in-Chief refuses to call this deadly attack what it is -- TERRORISM.

Why hasn't the President publicly acknowledged that the murders in Benghazi were the result of a terrorist attack? His Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta did in a Pentagon news conference on Thursday saying flatly: "It was a terrorist attack."

+ + Demand Congress Investigate the Libya Attack

Yet for more than two weeks, the White House stuck to its story that Chris Stevens' murder was committed in retaliation for the ridiculous and laughable "Innocence of Muslims" clip. Remarkably, the President still blamed the anti-Islam video for Stevens' death in his speech before the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday.

Is the Obama administration intentionally withholding information about the terror attack in an attempt to cover up the truth about the killing of these four Americans? It's a question that must be asked ... and answered!

Go here now to take immediate action:


+ + Americans Demand the Truth

Grassfire is moving quickly to mobilize 50,000 Americans who want to know exactly what the Obama administration knew before and after terrorists attacked our consulate and murdered our fellow citizens.

As Americans, we deserve answers to these and other critical questions that continue to surface about the Benghazi attack.
Go here to sign our Grassfire petition and demand that Congress determine whether or not there's been a cover-up by the Obama administration:

P.S. You can do something to hold the Obama administration accountable. Demand that Congress investigate and reveal any efforts to cover up the deadly events in Libya. Go here now to sign our Grassfire petition and demand Americans learn the full truth about the Benghazi attack:

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